Monday, August 29, 2011

Swimming Lessons

I cannot believe I forgot to blog about Kalebs swimming lessons. I hate when I have to do like 10 posts in a day but I definately don't want to forget this one as it was the highlight of his entire summer. Kaleb is a fish. He loves the water. He is not afraid of the water in any way. I signed him up with his cousin Madi who is just a year older than him. He was the youngest in the class but did great. He asks atleast once a week if he can go back to swimming lessons. I am going to try and get him signed up for some night swimming lessons in the fall if I can find them anywhere :) He is pretty good for a 3 year old though. By the end, he could float on his back for up to 5 seconds without anyone holding on to him, hold his breath under water for atleast 5 seconds, and dive (with a little push from teacher) to the bottom of a 4 ft pool and find the ring, push himself off from the bottom of the pool and come up with the ring. Yes I am very proud of my baby. here are some pictures. If I can figure out how to add a video onto blogger I'll post the video of him diving for rings. Enjoy :)

1 comment:

Lenard said...

Thats so awesome linz, he is getting so cute and so big! Sounds like he's doing a great job at swimming, keep it up little man!